Getting divorced is widely considered to be the last resort option when a couple fails to resolves their marital problems. Having stuck by each other’s side through thick and thin, it is only a matter of time before something ruins the marriage beyond healing. In such a situation, emotions are heightened, allegations flung in either side and each spouse considers packing up and leaving for good. Crucial concepts such as property division and child custody come into play as both spouses grapple with the idea of who will retain sole custody of the kids.
Child Custody & Support is a highly sensitive matter that requires keen attention by both parties. When you dissolve the marriage with your spouse, it’s only logical to consider the best interests of the kids at such a difficult moment. In most cases, coming to an amicable agreement regarding child custody & support will save you lots of trouble down the line. If both spouses fail to reach a friendly agreement, the court will immediately step in to salvage the situation, and make a valid judgment upon consideration of all parties. This means they will determine the custodial parent while the non-custodial spouse makes do with visitation and child support payments.
Child Custody & Support primarily refers to monthly payments made from one partner to another with the sole intention of meeting the child’s expenses. It might appear simple enough, but several factors need to be considered before monthly payments can commence. In most cases, a Judge will consider the following crucial determinants before issuing a verdict:
- Did you sacrifice your career to look after the kids during the marital period?
- Do you possess any formal education or work experience to kick start your independent life post-divorce?
- The standard of living while married to your partner
- Financial stability of both partners
By obtaining vital answers to the above questions, the court will be in a better position to issue the best verdict while looking out for the child’s welfare. Once settled, the preparation of a support agreement indicates that both spouses have understood the terms and conditions of the contract and their intention to cover outlined expenses. Consulting an experienced Rhode Island family law lawyer can guide you on pitfalls to avoid.