If you and your ex-spouse have children, your custody dispute might not have ended when your divorce finalized. Though you two established a binding child custody agreement, your ex-spouse may flout it at every turn. Their actions may make it difficult for you to see...
Month: October 2020
What income does the court consider for paying child support and alimony?
If you will pay child support, alimony or both due to your divorce, you want to ensure that the court looks at your income in a fair manner. In some cases, what you do not consider income, the court may. It helps to know the general guidelines for determinations....
How should you divide art in a divorce?
After deciding that divorce is the most favorable choice for you and your partner, you have several decisions to make together and separately. For instance, how should you two divide art pieces? The American Bar Association may have the answers you need. Determine how...
Your home may not be the best place for a custody exchange
Now that your marriage has come to an end, your primary focus is on raising good kids. If you share custody of your children with a co-parent, you must exchange the kids at the beginnings and ends of your scheduled parenting time. While it may be tempting to hand off...
Why 61% of divorced women regret not hiring financial advisors
When you split from your Rhode Island spouse, you may want to do everything in your power to set yourself up for success on your own. Supporting yourself without your former partner may be among your concerns, and you may be seeking ways to maximize what you walk away...