One of the most difficult situations for any Rhode Island parent during a divorce is the fear of losing their child. In some cases, moving out of the family home means seeing your child less. If you and your estranged spouse are having trouble agreeing on arrangements, these tips can help you win custody.
Focus on your child
While trying to win child custody, always focus on your child and their best interests. Don’t think about your upcoming court date as a battle and achieving victory over your child’s other parent. The point is to realize that things are stressful enough for everyone involved, including your child. Thinking first and foremost about their best interests helps to ease that tension.
Use social media wisely
Everyone uses social media these days, but sometimes it can work against you. If you continue using it, be smart about what you post. Avoid posting anything negative about your estranged spouse and don’t discuss your child custody battle. Remember that anything you post on social media may be accessed by anyone and can get back to your estranged spouse and hurt your custody case.
Be open to working together
Even though it might be difficult, being open to working together with your estranged spouse on all matters concerning your child is best. When you compromise, it shows the court that you want the best for your child and can put aside your differences for their sake. Being civil and working together allows you to get together a parenting schedule that works for everyone. It should be appropriate for your child’s age and routine.
Taking these actions can help give you an edge in winning custody of your child. They also keep things peaceful while you await your court date.