Divorce can be a challenging experience for families, especially when it coincides with significant life transitions like the start of a new school year. Children can struggle in unique ways at this time of year because this period marks a time of significant...
Rhode Island Family Law Blog
Are social media affairs really cheating?
What makes a relationship these days? What is cheating? More and more couples are finding that they’re confronted by this question when it comes to “internet affairs,” even when the activity never turns physical. Social media has become an integral part of human life,...
3 places to search for hidden assets when divorcing
As divorcing spouses, you must present a list of the assets you own to the court. It will use this when determining or approving how to divide property. For this to function, both you and your spouse need to be honest and list everything you own, without omissions....
What is rehabilitative alimony?
It’s not unusual for couples in a marriage to make sacrifices for each other or their family – and that can include one spouse giving up their financial independence for the sake of the couple’s children or the other spouse’s career. This is where rehabilitative...
Will you and your ex be co-parenting a college student this fall?
Dropping a child off at college for the first time can be extremely difficult for any parents. If you and your co-parent are separated or divorced, however, it’s crucial to work out how you’ll co-parent a child who’s away from home for the better part of the year but...
When does alimony end after a Rhode Island divorce?
Alimony can be one of the most stressful elements of divorce negotiations. Typically, the courts only award alimony in cases where the need of one spouse is evident and the other has the ability to pay. Alimony payments allow someone to improve their economic...
What can you do if your child refuses to visit their other parent?
Your child may refuse to go to the other parent's house for different reasons, perhaps they have not yet made friends in the new neighborhood or are tired of moving between two homes. This can be challenging because while you want your child to be happy, you have a...
5 reasons to decrease your child support payments
Either parent can request a child support modification in Rhode Island. If you can no longer afford to pay the court-ordered child support payments, it may be time to ask the court to decrease your amount. Here are five circumstances that may call for this: 1. A...
Does commingling affect the equitable distribution of property?
In Rhode Island, marital property is equitably distributed during divorce. This means that while the property may not be split 50-50, the distribution aims to be fair and just. Commingling refers to the situation where one spouse’s separate property becomes mixed with...
What happens if your ex-spouse changes religion?
Religious beliefs are intensely personal, and even married couples can vary greatly in their practices. Conflicts can arise, however, when co-parents are divorced and one co-parent suddenly adopts a new religion, develops a greater fervor for their existing faith or...